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January 2023-Occurrence of a Police Officer Sustaining a Delayed, Non-Traumatic Deep Vein Thrombosis


Dr. Beth Walters is an athletic trainer for ProTeam Tactical Performance. Her clinic location is within the IMPD Training Academy on the Eastside of Indianapolis. Beth has a Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training, a Master of Science in Athletic Training, and a EdD in Leadership studies with a cognate in Healthcare Leadership. Beth has previous experience as a collegiate athletic trainer working with a variety of sports. She also has experience in education & curriculum development as well as extensive leadership training. Beth specializes in tactical & first responder orthopedic healthcare, holds many advanced credentials & certificates specific to rehabilitative medicine such as, Postural Restoration Integration Breathwork, Dry Needling, Blood Flow Restriction, Mobilization with Movement & High-Velocity low-amplitude spine manipulation.



Jan 2023 CEU- Occurrence of a Police Officer Sustaining a Delayed, Non-Trauma...

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